Harnessing Metallophilicity in Cyanometallate Coordination Polymers for Advanced Functional Materials
Nov 8, 2024
2:30PM to 3:30PM

Date(s) - 08/11/2024
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Prof. Daniel B. Leznoff
Dept of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
Cyanometallate coordination polymers – starting with the famous Prussian Blue in 1710 – have historically been used to target a wide range of properties. In particular, our group has exploited linear d10 [Au(CN)2]- and square-planar d8 [Pt(CN)4]2- building blocks to take advantage of attractive metal-metal interactions to increase structural dimensionality and access the emissive behaviour that is often associated with such metallophilicity. Several property-based vignettes from our recent work with these and other related cyanometallate-type building blocks (e.g. with Hg(II), Au(III)) will be presented in this lecture, touching on vapochromic, luminescent, thermal expansion materials, dichroic and birefringent materials. Extensions to 2nd generation iso-maleonitriledithiolate (i-mnt) and related thio/selenocyanate-based materials will also be highlighted.
Speaker bio:
Leznoff completed his B.Sc. at York University (Toronto), concurrently studying Japanese; he spent a year on exchange at Meiji University (Tokyo) and he won several Canadian National Japanese speech competitions. He finished his Ph.D. at Univ. British Columbia (Vancouver) in 1997, and then a Post-doctoral Fellowship at CNRS Bordeaux with Prof. Olivier Kahn (the father of “Molecular Magnetism”). Leznoff joined Simon Fraser University in Vancouver in 1999, has been Professor of Chemistry since 2009 and was recently made “Distinguished SFU Professor”.
He has published over 160 articles covering cyanometallate coordination polymers for materials applications with a particular focus on platinum and gold-based systems, metallophthalocyanines, paramagnetic organometallic and actinide chemistry. He holds patents for extremely sensitive ammonia and other toxic gas sensors, birefringent coordination polymer optical materials and CO2 electroreduction catalysts. He has given over 150 invited presentations worldwide, co-organized over 10 National and International conferences (including the CSC in Vancouver in 2014), and serves on the Editorial Board of Canadian Journal of Chemistry; he previously was an Associate Editor of Gold Bulletin (Springer). He was awarded the CSC Strem Chemicals Award for Pure and Applied Inorganic Chemistry in 2010, the CSC Rio Tinto Award in 2024 and is a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada. He was a JSPS Fellow in Kyushu University (Japan, 2007), and an Invited Visiting Professor in Strasbourg (2015) and Lyon (2019). He has won SFU Excellence in Teaching Awards in both the Faculty of Science and University-wide. For more information about the Leznoff group, see www.leznoffchemistry.ca.
In-Person: ABB 102
Online: https://mcmaster.zoom.us/j/94110652729
Meeting ID: 941 1065 2729
Passcode: 776697