Ultrafast carrier dynamics in emerging perovskite quantum materials
Mar 8, 2024
2:30PM to 3:30PM
Date(s) - 08/03/2024
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Prof. Jianbo Gao
Dept. of Chemistry, Brock University
The understanding of ultrafast carrier dynamics is the foundation of emergent perovskite quantum materials, which demonstrate promising optoelectronic application in solar cells, LEDs, photodetectors, and X-ray detection due to their superior electrical and optical properties. To unravel the carrier dynamics, the majority research groups have to rely on classic ultrafast optical spectroscopies such as pump-probe transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy and time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL). Although these non-contact photon-in and photon-out approaches have made revolutionary discoveries, which have been demonstrated by our pioneers’ work in femtochemistry (Zewail, 1999), super resolution microscopy (Hell, 2014), and chirped pulsed amplification (Strickland, 2018), they lack an in-situ feature for characterizing building block devices such as solar cells, LEDs, photoconductors, transistors, etc.
In this talk, I will highlight the ultrafast photocurrent spectroscopy (UPCS) that we have developed to bridge the gap between classic optical spectroscopies and carrier dynamics in-situ devices. In particular, I will focus on perovskites quantum materials. To contribute to the perovskite community, we have addressed the following unique questions including 1) the unknown landscape of defect states; 2) the unique carrier drift transport dynamics; 3) and the novel perovskite solar cell characterization. Our fundamental understanding of carrier transport dynamics will lead to the next generation photovoltaics and other novel devices applications.
Currently, Dr. Jianbo Gao is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and an affiliated faculty in the Engineering Department at Brock University. Upon he received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Alberta, Dr. Gao worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) with Dr. Art Nozik and Dr. Matt Beard, and at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) working with Dr. Victor Klimov, and Research associate specialist at the Chemistry at University of California, Berkeley working with Prof. Paul Alivisatos. Prior to Brock University, Dr. Gao was an assistant professor, who led Ultrafast Photophysics of Quantum Device at Clemson University, South Carolina, USA.
Dr. Gao is one of the pioneers of quantum dot solar cell field which were developed since 2010. Dr. Gao’s research interests include A) novel ultrafast carrier dynamics of quantum materials; B) next generation quantum devices application in renewable energy and optical quantum communication; and C) nanomaterials synthesis. His research is highly interdisciplinary and is at the interface of Materials Physics, Materials Sciences and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Chemistry.
In-Person: ABB 102
Online: https://mcmaster.zoom.us/j/91295175512
Meeting ID: 912 9517 5512
Passcode: 893453