Information Box Group
Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy Learn More
CCEM is a world leading, state-of-the-art facility dedicated to providing a full suite of electron microscopy equipment, facilities, and expertise. This world-class facility has capabilities that are unmatched in Canada, and continues to expand and push the frontiers of electron microscopy.
Centre for Emerging Device Technologies Learn More
The CEDT facilitates the study of optical, electrical, mechanical, and biological properties of semiconductors and related materials and promotes the development of technology based on these materials.
Biointerfaces Institute (BI) Learn More
BI is a state-of-the-art facility implementing high-throughput research pipelines to investigate the nature of the biological/material interface, or biointerface. This institute houses an extensive array of instruments geared toward characterization of biomolecules and materials.
McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute Learn More
MIRI is focused on finding solutions to the challenges faced by today’s manufacturing industry and optimizing every facet of the machining process.
The McMaster Automotive Resource Centre (MARC) Learn More
MARC is one of Canada’s leading research facilities in electric and hybrid vehicles where researchers, students and industry professionals are working to resolve the issues facing the automotive industry. Together, these teams of engineers, scientists, social scientists and their students are developing sustainable solutions for the industry including the development of hybrid and electric powertrains, building highly efficient and cost-effective powertrain components and identifying light materials to make cars more fuel efficient.
McMaster Analytical X-ray Diffraction Facility (MAX) Learn More
The MAX is a service, research, and teaching laboratory operated by the Faculty of Science and located within the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. It supports Science and Engineering research at McMaster University, as well as train students in the theory and practice of X-ray diffraction. This facility also provides fee for service characterization of chemicals and materials for external clients from industry and from other universities.
Photonics Research Laboratory (PRL) Learn More
The Photonics Research Laboratory at McMaster University is a laser facility that is aimed at providing an interdisciplinary environment for physics, chemistry, materials science, electrical and mechanical engineering. The facility has a number of pulsed laser systems covering nanosecond to femtosecond regimes as well as corresponding time-domain optical detection instruments. The laser systems can be used in pulsed laser machining, additive manufacturing, material property characterization (e.g., through LIBS), and surface modification applications. The facility also has several custom-built optical imaging instruments including superresolution (STED), confocal, multiphoton, hyperspectral and fluorescence lifetime imaging.
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Learn More
The NMR Facility was established in 1985, with funding from NSERC and McMaster University. This Facility currently maintains 8 NMR spectrometers including a Bruker AVANCE III 700MHz, funded by CFI and the Province of Ontario. The Facility is highly regarded in the Canadian chemical community for its versatility in the types of samples (organic, inorganic, biochemical, geological, industrial, forestry, agricultural and biomedical materials) that can be analyzed. It’s also known for the number of nuclei that can be studied by solution and solid state NMR.
The McMaster Nuclear Reactor (MNR) Learn More
MNR first became operational in 1959 and was the first university-based research reactor in the British Commonwealth. Originally designed to operate at a maximum power of 1 MW, MNR was upgraded during the 1970s to its current rating of 5 MW with a maximum thermal neutron flux of 1 x 1014 neutrons/cm2s. MNR is classified as a medium flux reactor and it is by far the most powerful research reactor at a Canadian university – the handful of so-called “Slowpoke” reactors at other institutions typically operate at a power of 0.02 MW. This facility will also house the McMaster Small Angle Neutron Scattering (MacSANS) facility, which will enable the study of materials at the atomic level.
The Centre of Excellence in Protective Equipment and Materials (CEPEM) Learn More
CEPEM assists research and development needs for Canadian companies, both existing and new, so that they can meet today’s needs for Canada but also develop the next generation of personal protective equipment (PPE) to become global leaders in the future.